The Robotic Era of Yesterday and Today – Book Review

Today we talk about our robotic world as if it were a fact, but it did not happen by itself. There has been a steady and increasingly recent growth in the science of robotics. Mechanized machinery is nothing new, it has been working since humanity began to build sophisticated tools. Today, with the advent of […]

3 Simple Steps to Help Maintain Muscle Strength for Healthy Aging

For healthy aging, we are told that we must take steps to maintain the strength of our muscles. I don’t know about you, my muscles may need a lot of help, but the idea of ​​an exercise regimen is out of the question. Number one, I seriously don’t have time to hit a gym or […]

Intensive Moisture Balancing – Find Out Why This Dermalogica Moisturizer Nourishes And Protects Your Skin

Dermalogica’s Intensive Hydration Balance is a popular moisturizer for dry skin conditions. Let’s face it, none of us are getting any younger and as we age the need for a good moisturizer becomes a major concern as our skin becomes increasingly dry. What makes this dermalogical moisturizer so good? Your average moisturizer is designed to […]

Does the Bowflex really work? – The Truth About Bowflex Finally Revealed

Many of my clients have asked me that question. They see the Bowflex infomercial and those hot Bowflex bodies on the models and wonder if they can look like this. See, the real answer is that no home gym, no matter how well built or sophisticated, will give you the results you want. Unless you […]

Commercial Mortgage Loans – What Rates Do Hedge Funds Charge For Commercial Mortgages?

The ongoing credit crisis has made it much more difficult for investors to qualify for an institutionally funded commercial mortgage loan (bank, broker, insurance company). Underwriting standards have become significantly stricter and loan parameters have tightened. Banks are accepting very few transactions, and even fewer are closing.   Many good loans that should be financed […]

Hormonal infertility

Hormonal imbalance is the main cause of female infertility. A woman’s inability to ovulate and regulate hormone levels causes an over or under production of a particular hormone. This hormonal imbalance is manifested by symptoms that are easily detected, allowing treatment to be started as soon as possible. These symptoms include irregular menstrual cycles, excessive […]

Finding an apartment in Boston that gets approved with bad credit or a broken lease

Boston is notably the academic center of the United States with many renowned universities. It is also a port, a cultural and manufacturing center with millions of people converging here, whether for reasons of study, employment or simply retirements. New workers arrive here every day and as such there is a demand for the different […]

The resolution of Facebook photos and what it means for printing

I’m sure you’ve already used the new Facebook photo viewer. Facebook’s creation of the photo viewer was part of his review of Photos, one of the tea the most popular types of content that users create, share and consume on Facebook. Included in this restructuring was the ability to upload higher resolution photos to Facebook, […]