4 Organic Personal Hygiene Products I Can’t Live Without

My switch to organic skincare has been a happy one. I used to have a number of skin problems with the use of commercial beauty and personal hygiene products. Now that I use organic, my skin and body feel so much better. I want to introduce you to some of the organic personal care items […]

Stun guns, tasers and maces, oh my! Are self defense products right for me?

There are many different self-defense options available to individuals and families in addition to self-defense weapons. Some homeowners choose to install security systems to protect their homes, and many people take self-defense classes to improve their ability to physically react in a dangerous situation. Self-defense products appeal to individuals and families who want immediate, non-lethal […]

Pokémon and Legal Implications

Pokemon GO is an augmented reality game that incorporates virtual creatures into physical space. Thus, virtual and physical space co-exist as virtual Pokémon creatures can appear anywhere, even in your neighbor’s garden. The goal of the game is to find and catch them. The intersection of virtual and physical space prompted legal professionals to begin […]

2008 NBA Championship: With so much talent, who will win?

For those who know me, it goes without saying that I am a huge Warriors fan. I bleed Blue and Yellow. And after last year’s incredible playoff run late in the season and heartbreaking loss to the Jazz in the second round, I’m excited the NBA season is finally here. It represents not only a […]

Historic Sites in Ukraine

Sunny beaches, picturesque forests, towering mountains, health retreats, ski resorts, historic sites, stunning architecture – Ukraine seems to have everything a traveler could wish for. This Eastern European nation, the second largest in Europe and strategically located at the crossroads between Asia and Europe, offers a variety of vacation destinations. In the southern part, there […]

Shades Vs Shades, Window Coverings Demystified

First, let’s clarify the nomenclature. Curtains go by many names, some are actually a distinction and some refer to the same thing. These names include: curtains, curtains, curtains, curtains, curtain panels and curtain panels. I think there is even some confusion among so-called experts and if you were to ask the average person what the […]

How to increase the value of your business

There are many ways to increase your sales and grow your business, no matter the size of your budget. However, increasing the value of your business on a tight budget can be daunting. Because it’s a challenge to increase your sales while keeping advertising and marketing under control. It’s easy to open an online business […]

Machine learning: value for business

Machine learning (ML) algorithms allow computers to define and apply rules that were not explicitly described by the developer. There are quite a few articles dedicated to machine learning algorithms. This is an attempt at a “helicopter view” description of how these algorithms are applied in different business areas. This list is not an exhaustive […]

Save money using granite scraps

Natural stones extracted from mines and quarries, such as granite, have been a common building material today. The beauty and hardness of these stones make them an ideal material for the rehabilitation and construction of homes. However, granite can be quite expensive, with prices as high as $70 per square foot, not including installation. Not […]