Attitudes that create disunity in families

Attitude means the way you think, feel and believe about something or someone. That is: how you feel and believe about something. There are right and wrong attitudes. Your action will always give you away even when you try to cover up. Your behavior determines whether or not you enjoy unity in your marriage.

The lack of unity in a home generates hatred and terror. Brings enmity between husband and wife. Hate between brothers and sisters. It is painful when either of you discover that you have been tricked into having a wrong relationship. A disappointment could bring disunity to a marriage. When you don’t keep your promises, your partner may decide to truly disagree with you.

Envy is one of the by-products of a lack of unity. It results in a situation where people are rooted in the flesh of others, where members of the same family see each other as enemies rather than complementary to achieve greatness. Your own blood relative may object to your progress if he / she thinks or feels that your progress is life-threatening. The same is true at weddings. Your spouse could become a thorn in your flesh where there is no unity.

The covenant of greatness is for all families, because God’s favor is on the one who finds a wife. Finding a wife is the starting point of a family. Marriage is not exempt from responsibility. When you fail in yours as a parent, the children rebel (going against the parents for most children is due to a lack of unity between the parents). Spouses must work out their salvation in order to enjoy the favor that God has destined for them by being attentive to their duties.

When the husband and wife do not speak with one voice, the children are watching helplessly and mostly not happy. Rebellion is the well-known way for children to protest their parents’ lack of proper coordination.

No child was born wayward. Most children rebel when they are unhappy with the state of affairs between their parents.

Showing love, care and living a dignified life makes children loved by their parents. The mother’s lack of submission to the father, the supposed head of the family, is one of the reasons a child sometimes misbehaves, only to show disapproval.

When the head of the family does not cope with his responsibilities, he shows less care for the wife (mother). His screaming, abusive language towards his wife, treating her as a second-class citizen, lack of love towards the mother, are painful for the child. That child’s trust and trust in the father is gradually eroding. He / she cannot alter a word, but you, as a parent, have planted a rebellious seed in him / her.

For every child, both parents are very important to him / her from birth and throughout the baby. Parents’ attitudes determine his grade as he grows. It is best for parents to understand their roles and act completely in love.

It is good to point children in the right direction. Encourage them to ask questions. Be available – if not always, find time from time to time to be with them. Children who adopted negative ways of life are, in most cases, victims of being abandoned to find ways of life for themselves.

Thank goodness for the war on child abuse in Nigeria. But what can we do about parents who gave birth to children they cannot care for? Or those parents who give birth to their babies? These parents live off the money paid by those who hired those children. These children develop hatred for their parents.

Comparing or showing that you have a preference for one of your children leads to rebellion in the home. Such an attitude leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of children who are on the receiving end. The Word says that fools compare themselves to one another. (2 Corinthians 10:21). Nobody loves to be criticized, but sometimes it is unavoidable. However, it is wise to be considerate in your approach, doing with others what will please you or make you happy if you are given such treatment. (Matthew 7:12).

Children can rebel when their father takes another wife. Or when mothers cheat on their father. They hate it, why? They feel depreciated among their peers. It is a heat problem that must be corrected.

A qualitative classroom education without moral lessons begets adults who show neither love nor affection for their parents. They also pursue their goals in life with little or no regard for value or last name. Live in love, live in unity. Do everything in your power to see the cord of love and unity strengthen in your family. Make sure a new Nigeria starts from your home.

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