How to stop struggling with the blues of fall and winter

When the days get shorter, thousands of people fear the effects that the darkest nights seem to engender. Does your mood and general well-being seem wavering or fragile when the daylight hours are shorter?

In the US, an estimated 10 million people they are affected by the reduction of daylight hours. Others 10 percent up to 20 percent May be slightly affected. This syndrome is known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD SAD it is four times more common in women than in men. Around 7 percent of UK adults struggle with SAD

Reduced exposure to sunlight makes some people feel less energetic or lethargic, and some people are severely affected by everything from their job performance to their relationships.

As a metaphysicist / hypnosis practitioner, I receive a dramatic increase in the number of people seeking help, sometimes unrelated to the shorter daylight hours. There is a fundamental cause for this trend. There are holistic protocols designed specifically for each person to help them overcome these problems.

I offer a weekly 4 week session to address your issues to transform / transmute what drives your tendency to have an episode of SAD. In the 4 week period, you will record your experiences that will feed into your personalized hypnotherapy-based protocols. Activities like meditation and a “gratitude board” are intended to help you identify and focus on the positive aspects of your life and living, in order to overcome feelings of loss and struggle.

People who struggle with SAD are believed to be sensitive to insufficient exposure to sunlight, which also causes their bodies to not produce enough of the feel-good hormone serotonin, and thus their tiredness is often accompanied of depression. Light boxes and artificial visors are one of the most common treatments for this sensitivity. It often helps relieve symptoms, although some cases have been linked to side effects such as nausea.

However, hypnotherapy can also be very effective in transforming / transmuting negative thoughts and focusing on the positive aspects of the fall and winter season. Also, introduce affirmative actions like meditation into your daily routines. “When someone is sensitive to light deprivation, it can become a recurring cycle for them. If they have felt low ebb before, they will begin to fear that the nights are approaching, because they will immediately associate it with feelings ranging from low spirits to claustrophobia, agoraphobia and overwhelming tiredness.

“By taking someone through techniques to reset their mindset, hypnotherapy can change someone’s perspective during the darkest nights, forcing them to feel much better. I use methods like meditation and visualization, therefore I help people focus on all the pleasant things associated with the changing of the seasons, from cozy nights with the family to bundling up and taking a brisk walk. Our minds are incredibly powerful organs and we can train them to think the way we want to. , including positive feelings about the fall and winter months. “

I decided to set up a 4 week weekly session special because so many people are contacting me and lamenting feeling depressed at this time of year. I want to help people understand what could be causing it. For example, there are particular trends in the weather that affect how bad they feel; Are people working longer hours and the pressure of that makes their mood even more intense, or are there other factors at play? I also want to help people to improve how they feel and at the same time, with their help, to refine the techniques to transform / transmute SAD, so that I can help more people in the future.

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