Things to keep in mind before staying at pet-friendly hotels in New Orleans

New Orleans has more than 25 pet-friendly hotels. Most of them come from different categories of hotels in the city. Quality hotels between $ 100 and $ 150 per night and inexpensive places under $ 100 are among the favorite options that will allow you to have pets. These hotels, located primarily around the Bourbon Street area, are among the most popular. Hundreds of places to visit, dozens of bars, nightclubs and restaurants, as well as popular attractions keep the excitement on the northeast side of Canal Street.

Iberville Suites is a popular hotel with rooms priced at $ 200 per night. You can get to $ 170 per night with pets, if you can grab one of the great deals. Perfect for older couples and families, the hotel has consistently achieved high ratings and customer satisfaction. Sheraton New Orleans Hotel is a cheaper place, offering similar facilities. However, the positive point here is that you can take advantage of the rooms on one of the upper floors, which may not be as exciting as Iberville Suites. Pets are allowed in both and sanitation charges apply in public areas.

A veterinary clinic is very important, considering emergencies. The northeast part of Canal Street is home to the French Quarter Vet. Most other neighborhoods also have excellent veterinary services, but vacationers and tourists mostly roam near this area. Southern Animal Foundation is one of the other veterinary clinics close to the area.

When considering hotels that accept pets, it is important that you check the hotel environment. Although they may allow pets, certain fancy hotels can be a disaster if your pet is too noisy. Sanitation is important everywhere, but loud noise can be easy to handle in larger hotels with more open spaces. The Sheraton and Omni Royal Suites are typically suitable for noisy pets, and stays can be cheaper than $ 100.

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