5 Cold Sores Remedies That Will Save You From Misery

Today is the special day for you. When you wake up this morning, you somehow feel an annoying cold sore brewing. The worst thing is that they always appear at the wrong time. Not only that these sores can be painful, imagine the embarrassment you have to deal with. You are definitely right when I say that they are downright annoying. So why not catch them early and defend them with 5 tips as illustrated below.

Abreva (docosanol) is one of the best over-the-counter topical remedies for cold sores. I think you’ve seen an Abreva commercial at least once in your life. The announcement can shed light on the unpleasant sides of the herpes virus. But Abreva is known for its effectiveness in minimizing the pain associated with fever blisters. It also helps to reduce the size of the blisters. When you start to feel that tickle, you should apply it as soon as you can. Abreva also allows you to make up the sores that have been treated.

Apply with a cotton swab. You must not use your finger. The herpes virus is contagious, so it can easily spread to other regions of your body if your fingers are infected. You should not use it more than 10 days. The cream should be used 5 times a day. Once the sore is no longer visible, you can stop using it.

Generally, the results obtained by Abreva are not comparable to the prescription option. However, due to its price that most people can afford to buy, I think you should give it a try.

If you are the type of person who faints at the sight of needles, then oral prescriptions would be best for you. Call your doctor for information on Famvir, Zovirax and Valtrex and you may be able to take them. These oral recipes can help you fight infection and prevent the herpes virus from spreading.

If you don’t have time to visit your pharmacist, you can try Visine. You can also calm the inflammation of cold sores with this eye drop.

In Europe, most people who choose holistic treatments for cold sores use lemon balm or lemon balm. Substances in this essential oil have shown their ability to suppress the herpes virus. The German researchers found that outbreaks were less frequent or sores were absent in people with chronic cold sores who used lemon balm frequently.

In the laboratory setting, resveratrol has demonstrated its ability to suppress the herpes simplex virus. According to a study conducted at Northeastern Ohio University, if resveratrol cream was applied one to six hours after subjects became infected with the herpes virus and applied topically two to five times a day, the Cold sores stopped developing. The efficacy of resveratrol cream is comparable to topical acyclovir 5% cream. Another good thing about resveratrol is that it works on animals infected with herpes, even the virus has developed a resistance against acyclovir. No side effects have been documented so far.

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