5 Fun Ways To Convince Your Kids That Santa Is Real

This Christmas parents are looking for ways to help their children believe in Santa Claus. At this time, many children are more skeptical of the tradition and will either have to be told the story at a younger age or have a special encounter that convinces them that it exists. For you, the parent, this can be complicated. First of all, there’s the fact that if you get caught, your kids will know you’re Santa. There is also the problem of cost. It takes money to rent a Santa suit or put on an elaborate scene that will win over your children. Fortunately, there are some simple things you can do to help your children believe in Santa.

Have your kids help you do common Santa Claus traditions. This may seem too obvious, but the act of making cookies and milk or hanging stockings in front of the fireplace is a great way to build your child’s anticipation for Christmas Day and a visit from Santa. Doing simple Christmas activities will be more effective in helping your children believe that Santa is real.

Tell your children the story of Santa. Your kids may not know the origin story of Santa. Making them aware of the story is a great way for them to learn more about Santa and see him as a real person. There are several books you can choose from. In my opinion, the two best stories about Santa are the famous poem It was the Night Before Christmas and Frank Baum’s The Life and Adventures of Santa Clause. These are not only great Christmas stories, but they will help explain who he is and why he does certain things when he visits children’s homes each Christmas.

A good idea is to have a Santa testing kit. You can make one yourself or if you want something that covers all the bases, there are actual kits you can buy online. Your kit should have a few items that Santa would wear, such as glasses, his signature hat, or a glove. Some kits even include a reindeer license. Be sure to leave footprints for the fireplace and leave something for each child, such as a magic key or some other special item. With all the evidence, your children will begin to reluctantly believe that Santa exists.

Make sure your kids write letters to Santa. Help them choose gifts that can be reasonably purchased and write their request to Santa. Ask them to choose three good things they have done this year and one thing they would like to ask Santa about. Writing the letter will be a great way to inspire your children’s imagination and it will also be a fun activity for the holidays.

Then you can do something really special for your kids on Christmas Day by having them get a call from Santa. Since you need to make sure they can’t suspect you, it would be a good idea to have a professional service do this. There are some great online stores that offer it and can do it for an affordable price. Your kids will be impressed by the fact that they actually talked to Santa and you will have helped add a little Christmas magic.

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