Can a man disconnect from his need for human connection if he had a neglectful mother?

Unsurprisingly, humans need human connection to be at their best. This is something that will have an effect on someone’s mental, emotional and physical health.

The reason why it is not a surprise is that human beings are interdependent; they are not independent. This, however, can be difficult for many people to accept if they live in a society that creates the impression that people are their own island and don’t need anyone.


What plays a part in this are technological advances that make it much easier for someone to fool themselves into believing this. But since needing others is part of the human experience, if someone goes against their nature, they are likely to suffer one way or another.

Now what might be normal for a man is to live a life where he acts like he doesn’t need anyone else. This may mean that he may or may not have close friends, but it is unlikely that he is in or wants a relationship.

The lonely man

In general, you may prefer to spend time alone and only spend time with others on rare occasions. As a result of this, he can spend most of his time living on top, engaged in intellectual, or at least mental pursuits.

If he spends time with another or others, it could be because they have grown close to him. He may rarely get close to others, and this is usually something that doesn’t cross his mind.

There is no interest

If you were asked why you don’t spend more time with others, you might say that you’re just not attracted to them. You could tell that you don’t have a strong need to be around others.

If you were asked if you would like to be in an imitation relationship, you might say that you are not interested in that either. I could tell she’s fine the way she is and enjoying her own company.

another need

Still, this does not mean that you will not have sexual needs that you would like to satisfy; then again, he might rarely be interested in this. When you are, you could mainly search for material online to help you with this need.

Also, you may have times when you will engage in casual encounters. However, if your consciousness is primarily in your head and not your body, hopefully you will not have a strong connection to this part of your body and you will end up overlooking these needs.

Inside world

When it comes to how you experience life, you can generally feel flat and not have much energy. This can show that it will spend a lot of time in your parasympathetic nervous system.

Since it has a tendency to feel flat on the inside, this will mean that it will look that way too. He could be described as someone who is not very emotional or even fully alive.


So if you were to seek support, it’s not because you feel overwhelmed and need to experience self-control. No, it will be because you feel flat, even dead, and you don’t have much energy.

You could say that you often feel depressed and don’t feel a strong desire to live. He could believe that life is meaningless and that he has no reason to live, and he was happy to end the day.

What is happening?

At this point it may seem strange why a man would be like this; he is, after all, an interdependent human being. It may seem that he was simply born this way, and therefore always will be.

However, what happened during his formative years could be in large part why he is the way he is. At this stage in his life, his mother may have rarely been available, and even when she was, she may not have been in tune with her needs.

a brutal time

Then he would have expressed his needs by crying, moving and stretching out his hands, but it would not have been very effective. After a while, after learning that his needs would not be met, he would have simply disengaged from his needs and entered a closed, collapsed state.

Having needs would have been too painful (he would often have felt rejected, abandoned, helpless and hopeless, and he was) and the only way to handle this pain was to shut down. Of course, he couldn’t ask for what he needed or find a caregiver who could really be there for him; he simply had to adjust to a cold and loveless environment.

a being divided

When he was given attention, and there must have been times when he was or would not be alive, he was probably totally out of step with what he needed. The result of this is that he would probably have felt suffocated, trapped and agitated by the attention he received.

Thanks to a lack of proper attention, he probably would have connected with himself after being born whole, but would soon have ended up disconnecting from his body. This would not only have caused her to lose touch with his emotional needs, but would also have caused her to remain in a stunted state, frozen and unable to come to terms with life.

It has not finished

This stage of your life is now in the past, but a large part of your being hasn’t really moved on from what happened. She had to shut down and freeze to handle what was happening and will continue to be that way.

Most, if not all, of the pain you experienced back then will still be held deep within your body. In order to reconnect with his need for human connection and become a more integrated and emotionally developed human being, he must overcome this pain.


If a man can relate to this and is ready to change his life, he may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be done with the help of a therapist or healer.

Without this understanding, it would be easy to say that you have a personality disorder; actually, he has a personality adaptation. He suffered a lot from very early on and while his adult form will make him suffer, it kept him alive from very early on.

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