Cell Phone Radiation Effects – Side Effects of Cell Phones

When you are learning about how EMF and microwave radiation can affect your health, you may be wondering what kind of cell phone radiation effects you may face. The worrying thing is that there are so many lists with different types of side effects, but not many solutions to these problems. When considering different types of protection against them, you must take into account your lifestyle and your personal needs. In this article you will find the most common effects you will face and how to counter them.

What are the effects of radiation from mobile phones?

The effect that radiation from mobile phones has on our health has been the subject of countless studies. There are over 4 billion people in the world right now with a cell phone, that’s over half the human population, but we still don’t understand the full effect it has on human health. Most studies will agree that cell phone radiation causes:

tissue damage

Decreased blood/cerebral circulation

Cancers, including glioma and meningioma (brain cancers)

Tingling and burning in the extremities, headaches, dizziness and fatigue

Sleep disruption and memory loss

All of these symptoms are quite life changing, and it is important to avoid the cause of these symptoms. However, how exactly do mobile phones cause these kinds of problems and what can you do to stop them? When your mobile regularly communicates with the nearest base station, it will send a signal to let you know it is still connected. This sends out energies that are absorbed by the brain and body even when you are not using them.

How can I protect myself from the effects of cell phone radiation?

Protecting yourself from these problems is important, and actually quite simple. Many different products are offered

How can I protect myself from cell phone radiation?

The effects of mobile phone radiation can be deflected in a number of ways, but arguably one of the best ways to protect yourself is power jewelry. This comes in the form of energy bracelets and pendants. Only recently has there been the level of awareness to understand exactly how they work. These energy pendants are charged with a positively charged natural energy from deep within the earth, which repels many forms of radiation, including microwaves and electromagnetic fields.

While there are many ways to protect yourself, you may want to consider energy jewelry as it is a great passive form of protection that doesn’t require much effort on your part; They also come in cool looks and styles!

the type of protection you need. There are many options for protection, and here we will review some of the best options.

Cell phone accessories: These come in a wide range of products, from antenna shields to air-tube headsets that keep radiation away from your head. The protection offered by these is minimal, but feasible.

Protective clothes: These do protect pretty well, but only the areas where they do cover; this can be a problem because they do not protect the neck, head and extremities.

EMF protective jewelry – It comes in a myriad of styles and materials to suit people of almost every taste. It provides full body protection, and also creates a barrier around your body that dispels negative energy and negative radiation. Energy jewelry is made from materials such as volcanic rock (also known as igneous rock) and precious metals such as silver and gold; charged only with positive energy called scalar energy or quantum energy. This energy has the unique property of repelling negative energies and keeping you safe; With its protection barrier you can use any type of electronic device without worrying about suffering harmful effects.

The best thing about energy jewelry is that it is a passive form of protection, requiring little effort on the part of the wearer to protect it. But regardless of the form of protection you choose, only by using common sense can you protect yourself against cell phone radiation.

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