Meeting Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex: Human Revolution was released in August 2011 for PC, Xbox and Play Station 3. The reason why I am interested in this game is because it was published by Square Enix. Square Enix is ​​a programming company famous in Japan for games like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. Eidos is the developer of this role-playing game (RPG). Deus Ex: Human Revolution is not only an action-based RPG, it is also a first-person shooter, which brings more excitement to the player.

Adam Jensen is the main character of the story set in 2027, 25 years before Deus Ex was released in the year 2000. Compared to Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible War, Deus Ex: Human Revolution features better graphics and a smoother transition from playing to cutscenes In short, Deus Ex: Human Revolution has an exciting story, a good selection of weapons, and a satisfying soundtrack.

The developers give you three types of “game props”. At the beginning of the game, you are assigned a weapon according to the answers you gave to your boss; but after that you can change the weapons to suit your style of play. I like to go for the sniper for the kill, but there are stun guns and tranquilizers available. The main reason stun and tranquilizer guns aren’t in my inventory is because they’re useless in boss fights, while great marksmen like the plasma rifle can deal good damage.

Playing as Adam Jensen, you can shoot your way through a situation, steal from the fallen for more ammo and save the day, talk your way in and out of locations, hack rooms and robots, or silently walk through vents. The game allows you to mix and match as appropriate, with each choice you make earning you a reward and more experience points. Experience points are awarded as praxis points, allowing you to improve.

Those who have played previous Deus Ex will know that these are augmentations: special devices implanted in the body for better strength or faster movement. In Human Revolution, Adam Jensen is the unwitting survivor who needs augmentation as his original body was damaged in a fight. Playing as augmented Adam Jensen is interesting with camouflage upgrades and typhoon weaponry built into his body.

In short, Deus Ex: Human Revolution is an immensely fun game that pushes you to find other paths, because life is not a straight line. Finding special paths or air vents to crawl yields more experience points, credits, and treasure compared to the normal method of shooting. This game is challenging and easy to navigate through keys or controller, it is really a good game to play.

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