Stuffed Toys – Determining Your Target Age Range

Determining the age range you will be targeting for your stuffed toys is one of the most important things to consider. If you have an idea for a stuffed toy, one of the first things you’ll ask is “who is it for?”

Obviously, many of your decisions will be based on your target age range. Should you make these toys for children? This is the road most traveled by toy inventors. Even if the kids don’t have money to spend, your market is parents and adults who want to give it to their children. This is because children love stuffed toys.

For example, you can make soft toys for children from 1 to 9 years old. Can you imagine the number of children from 1 to 9 years old? You can even break it down into smaller age ranges. But still, it’s still a great market. So what can you do to reach that market? By the time you think of that idea for a toy, you can customize the design with children in mind. You can make it more colorful because children love color. Even babies are drawn to colors and you can take advantage of this fact to help them develop their visual skills by providing them with something visually entertaining. Being colorful also makes your toy easily stand out from the other toys on the shelf. You can also customize how your stuffed animal feels. Children would want to touch and hug the toy. That’s the second thing they’re going to check. Once they see your stuffed toy in the toy store, they’ll hold it and see how it feels.

If you are going to target children, it is important to keep a few things in mind. The first concern is safety. Obviously, there are dangers like choking, so make sure your stuffed toy complies with safety regulations. Also, their toys must be very durable. At that age, children will drop things, including your stuffed toy.

It seems that children are the perfect market for your stuffed toys. Can you still address adults? Yes, definitely. Adults have the purchasing power and many adults collect toys. That being said, they may be their main target: collectors. Obviously, you need to improve the quality and design of the stuffed doll to make it a collector’s item. I’m sure you’re familiar with the beanie baby craze of the past decade. If you have a great idea for your toys, they can be the next big thing.

There is also the option to target everyone for these toys. Yes, it is an option but it is not advisable. You don’t want a target age range that is too spread out because it can create confusion on the manufacturing end and for your customers. But keep in mind that a children’s stuffed toy can pique the interest of adults and vice versa, and that’s a good thing. Either way, you are still the winner along with your target market.

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