Tile Roof Cleaning: Everything You Need to Know

Year after year, the shingles on your home’s roof are exposed to the wrath of nature and, if not given proper attention, begin to look dilapidated. Mold, moss, and tree sap begin to accumulate on the roof tiles, making the roof look old and ugly. Most of us pay a lot of attention to cleaning the windows, doors, and floors in our home, but we tend to overlook the ceiling as it’s out of sight, and therefore out of mind.

3 reasons why you should think about cleaning your tiles?

Cleaning your roof tiles provides three main benefits:

1. Increases aesthetic value:

Stains, moss, and mold build up over time and damage the overall appearance of your roof and your entire home. Regular cleaning keeps these destructive elements at bay.

2. Early detection of damage:

When you start to clean the roof, you can spot some of the minor damage that has occurred to the shingle structure due to age, weather, or other factors.

3. Extends the life of your roof:

After cleaning, you can prime and paint the shingles, which can help prevent further buildup of moss and dirt, and therefore increase the longevity of the shingles.

Chemicals used to clean the tiles:

Shingles are often cleaned with chemicals that are sprayed on the shingles and left on the shingles for a short period of time, then washed with a pressure washer. Good roof cleaning companies recommend and use sodium hydroxide based products. These products are safe, ecological and very effective as a cleaning and degreasing agent.

A cheaper solution is to use a bleach and water solution. Another effective cleaning combination is a mixture of detergent, bleach, and trisodium phosphate in warm water. Some roof cleaning companies avoid using bleaching agents altogether and only use hot water or steam to clean roof tiles.

Tile Roof Cleaning Methods:

Cleaning shingles requires the skill and experience of a professional. A professional roof cleaning service will clean your tile roof in the following steps:

1. Initial pressure washing:

The first step is to wash the shingles with a pressure washer to remove any loose dirt, debris including insects, leaves, twigs, etc. Pressure is applied from the ridge down towards the gutter. The ceiling is then allowed to dry completely.

2. Chemical treatment:

Pressure washing again, but this time using less water pressure than the initial wash, and using a chemical mix that is sprayed all over the dry tile. This process allows the chemical to enter the pores of the tiles. It is recommended to allow the chemicals to sit on the tiles for a while, so that additional residue is loosened from the tiles.

3. Final rinse:

The last and final wash involves rinsing and removing chemicals, and it can be the most challenging job of the entire process. It depends on how much dirt, debris, and moss has accumulated over the years, and how hard the stains are on the shingles. This time strong pressure is applied to remove dirt and stains from top to bottom of the ceiling.

4. Cleaning the gutters:

After rinsing dirt and chemicals from the tiles, the next thing that deserves attention is the gutters. Dirt and debris accumulate in gutters and must be removed.

5. Inspection and Repair:

Roof tiles are now inspected for cracks or breaks. Broken or damaged shingles should then be replaced.

6.Resealing and Repainting:

After final cleaning, the tiles are coated with a sealer to protect them from the elements. Another good option is to repaint your entire shingle roof for a brighter, newer finish.

A good shingle cleaning contractor can make your shingle roof look almost like new.

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