Prepare to bring your puppy home

Bringing a new puppy into your home is a big commitment. First-time puppy owners are often plagued with questions about how to care for their new furry companions. Preparing your home for a puppy before you bring him home will help ensure that you and your puppy adjust to the new living arrangement smoothly.

The following checklist is designed to help new puppy owners prepare for the arrival of a new furry member of the family:

-Purchase puppy food, food and water bowls, a collar and leash before you bring the puppy home. These basic items are must-haves for any dog ​​owner. Other items to consider are a bed, house training pads, treats, grooming supplies, cleaning bags, carpet/upholstery cleaner, and puppy-safe chews.

-Puppy Proof the house. Puppies are full of curiosity and chewing is one way they explore objects. Unfortunately, your pup won’t come equipped with the ability to tell the difference between his chew toy and his expensive shoes. So removing items you don’t want your pup to leave a mark on is an important step in protecting your home. Some tips for puppy testing are:

1. Remove loose items from the floor of your home and plan to keep the area clear

throughout the puppy stage (children’s shoes, clothes, and toys are good examples).

2. Cover, remove, or store electrical cords within reach of your puppy.

3. Keep all household cleaning products, bug poisons, and other chemicals in a safe place.

4. Make sure all plants in your house are safe by checking with your vet.

5. Pay close attention to potential hazards outside your home as well.

– Stock up on chew toys. The more chew toys your pup has access to, the less likely he is to chew on her valuable possessions. Chewing is a natural instinct for dogs, and especially for young puppies. Praise your pup when he chews on toys that are his and he will soon learn what is fair play and what is off limits.

-Buy a suitable size box. If you plan to crate train your dog, puppyhood is the best time to do it. Crate training allows your dog to adjust to being in a crate so that he will display good behavior in situations such as being boarded, flying on a plane, and going to the vet, when being in a kennel may be unavoidable. It is important to instill a positive association with the box and never use it to punish. Many dogs learn to love their crates and will willingly use them for naps or to sleep at night.

-Establish rules for living. Your pup will understand the house rules much faster if they are consistent from the start. Decide what rules your puppy must follow before you bring him home. For example, is it allowed on furniture? Will he sleep in your bed at night? What area will she be confined to when she is a puppy? Instilling structure right away will prevent your puppy from developing bad habits that will become increasingly frustrating as he gets older.

Puppies are wonderfully energetic and curious, and surprises are part of the adventure of having one in the house. Even if you carefully check off each item on this list and feel fully prepared for the arrival of your new canine companion, your pup may find mischief in places you may have overlooked. Be sure to supervise your puppy at all times when he is freely roaming around your home.

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