What is Candida?

What is candida exactly? While some may think of it as nothing more than a yeast infection, candida is actually the overproduction of fungus in a person’s body. While that may seem like the same thing as a yeast infection, the difference is in frequency. Most of us come across a time in our lives when we’ve felt overwhelmed by the discomfort of a yeast infection, but a quick visit to the doctor or our favorite home remedy had us feeling good in no time. The difference is that with candida, the body continues to make too much yeast, and the foods we eat tend to feed and encourage more yeast production. This creates what seems like an endless cycle of chronic problems.

Luckily you don’t have to fight for the rest of your life. In fact, there is something you can do to cure the problem and you don’t have to keep wondering what is candida and how do I get rid of it. Because candida is the overproduction of yeast in a person’s body, the best cure step is to first eliminate anything in our diet that adds more yeast to our bodies or stimulates yeast production. While you may think you’re not doing anything to stimulate yeast production in your body, chances are you’re doing it without realizing it. A simple change in diet can put you on the road to comfort and relief in no time.

First, say goodbye to anything that is yeasty or could promote yeast growth. While you may understand what candida is, understanding how to cure it might be something else. Because yeast loves sugar, and sugar helps yeast grow and produce, avoiding all sugars is your best bet for recovery. This includes hidden sugars as well. I’d hate to think that you’re eating all the right foods, only to find out that you weren’t getting better because some of your drinks were loaded with sugar and were backfiring. Learn to read the labels on everything you buy and if it contains sugar, or any words that end in ‘ose’ (which are also sugars), don’t buy them and certainly don’t eat them. Remember that some salad dressings also have sugars, so it is better to prepare them yourself with olive oil, herbs and spices. The cure for candida is within your reach and following the diet plan will have you feeling better in no time.

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