The psychology behind the most powerful game mechanics

Rewards In 1930 Burrhus Frederic Skinner, who was a psychologist at Harvard University, invented the Operant Conditioning Chamber, better known as the Skinner Box. This box was a camera that had a lever, a lever that an animal, usually a rat or a pigeon, can press down in the hope of obtaining food or water […]

What is the stock split and why is Apple doing it? How the stock split affects investors

An initial public offering allows a company to deliver shares to private investors. A stock split is the division of the shares that a company owns into several stocks. This is put in place to improve the liquidity of stocks when they reach a specific accumulation limit. A common strategy is to divide them into […]

Disintegrating family systems

The joint family system is in serious danger of extinction due to some misconceptions. Economic growth, professionalism, and privacy were such major misconceptions. The sweet and pleasant sight of the joint family is now limited to family photography comprising a large number of family members, who adore the walls of ruined buildings called Hawelis. The […]

Xbox 360 Green Screen: How to Fix Xbox 360 Green Screen of Death

Got the Xbox 360 green screen of death issue? Do you want this problem fixed? This problem can be quite difficult to fix, and for exactly that reason, many people will tell you to send your troubleshooting console to Microsoft and pay $ 150. But is this really necessary? Can you really fix your console […]

Whole Grain Versus Whole Wheat: What’s Best For You? Part ii

Here’s an easy way to find the healthiest breads and cereals you can. Number one, look for the words WHOLE GRAIN. Look at the first two ingredients, if one of those two doesn’t say WHOLE GRAIN, put it back! Number 2, look for the FDA-approved health claim that says “On a low-fat diet, whole foods […]

Understanding Male Psychology: Why Ignoring Your Ex-Boyfriend Works

You’ve heard the same advice over and over since the breakup. You are supposed to ignore your ex boyfriend if you want to get him back. At first glance, it makes absolutely no sense. How can ignoring a man make him decide he wants you back? The opposite seems much more likely, doesn’t it? Internally […]