7 Tips MedSpas Can Follow to Increase Website Traffic

How to tell potential customers about your website

You’ve done the hard part; has built his vision of a MedSpa business. You invested in having a good website built but… nothing happens.

The phone does not ring to book new appointments.

But why aren’t you getting any business from your website?

It’s because you have to make sure your potential customers know you exist!

The easiest way to do this is to have a website that is both beautiful AND functional.

How do you let potential customers know you have a website?

If you’re just getting started and aren’t sure what your next steps should be, here’s a 7-step checklist of tips you could be doing now to start promoting your website and getting the results you want:

1. Make sure your website is optimized for search engines (SEO).

97% of people will learn about a local business online and won’t want to miss it. It’s not as intimidating as you might fear. Here’s a simple process to help send your web/SEO persona to work from:

What services do you offer? Body modeling. If you were searching the internet for something similar, what words would you use? How to get rid of stubborn fat? Make sure that these keywords, in this case, stubborn fat and the phrase body sculpt they are on your website and in the metadata.

By optimizing your website pages using keywords, phrases, links, and more, you’ll be better positioned to reach your customers. It can be intimidating, and you always have the option of hiring an SEO expert so you can focus your attention on your business.

2. Create a blog and write posts regularly.

Business blogs are a wonderful way to not only connect with your customers, but also drive traffic to your website. Do you remember the keywords we just mentioned? Writing articles specific to those keywords is a great way to drive targeted traffic to your site.

Blogging also has the advantage that search engines know the site is still live because you frequently add new content, videos, and images to your website.

When writing a blog, it’s important to remember that this is a way to connect with your audience and provide information that they may find useful or interesting.

The goal is to share that information on social media, which, in turn, will drive more people to your website.

3. Participate in social networks

Along with a website, you should have social media accounts specifically for your business on the platforms where you know your ideal target audience is hanging out. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

These accounts allow you to connect with customers on an individual basis and interact with potential customers. The more you engage on these platforms, the more interest and brand visibility you will create, which will drive more traffic back to your website.

Follow those who are in your target market, as well as influencers who share the same customer base as you. Stay within your geographic area as well. Following someone who lives in Toronto will not help you get dates in Vancouver!

Participate with the intention of helping and offering useful information. This will build your credibility as an expert in your industry and begin to create an important “know, like and trust” factor that is needed to attract customers.

4. Embrace the power behind your brand

Brand recognition is an important, and often overlooked, component of attracting potential customers to your website. A big one is using a branded email address.

Be sure to use your domain name for your email address on all of your email correspondence. That way, with every email you send, you’ll be advertising your website URL.

It’s an easy way to get your website out to the world while maintaining an aura of professionalism.

5. Install a branded electronic signature

Speaking of emails, take your efforts a step further by having a professional-looking electronic signature to accompany every email you send.

Include your contact information, address, and an easy link for people to click to view your services and schedule an appointment.

6. Remember your print and promotional materials

Be sure to include your website address on all printed and promotional materials you use for your ongoing marketing and advertising efforts.

From business cards to letterheads, banners, and social media ads, it’s important for everyone to know where to go to learn more about your medspa services.

7. Encourage referrals.

Your existing customers, friends, family, and associates can be an incredible promotional tool for you. Don’t be afraid to ask them to tell others about you. Make connections with vendors and other professionals in related industries who could be a referral source for you.

Use a referral incentive program as your way of saying thank you for referring new customers to you.

Tackling your business’s online presence can be intimidating; But you don’t have to do it alone!

Hiring a professional website builder who can also help you with these additional tactics to expand your brand reach can help relieve stress and create a high-performing website that gets you what you want.

for your success,


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