Ask for and send angels to others

Our Lady the Virgin, in Her apparitions in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia, told the seers that we must keep the four archangels close to us always, for protection and guidance.

I knew Saint Michael the Archangel from a very young age, because each Mass ended with the well-known prayer to him that begins: “Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil.” The prayer was said by the entire congregation, and there was something very comforting about hearing all the adult voices around me reciting this prayer, with its familiar cadences and the various octaves of the human voice rendered in such wonderful unison. This practice was abandoned after the Second Vatican Council, which may help explain the sorry state of the world since then.

I have read that Saint Michael protected entire towns from the bubonic plague, and that he can be asked to deliver souls to Heaven. From my readings I also learned that Saint Michael is supposed to fight the final battle against Lucifer, so sometimes I pray for Saint Michael, so that he can defeat Lucifer when the time comes.

From reading books about Padre Pio and some other Catholic saints, I learned that angels can be summoned and sent, and for many different reasons. Clairvoyantly I can see them coming when we call them, and they come immediately. In my experience, they can act as messengers, protectors, healers, and also guides or teachers.

We can’t just ask for an angel, we can ask for legions of angels. But I’m getting ahead of myself, let me clarify what I’ve already written.

In my work for the Distant Healing Network, or for friends, or others who come to me for healing, I often ask that angels be sent to them. I will ask the angels to help the doctors during their operation, or in the diagnosis of their condition; I send angels to those who are in difficult or painful situations, physical, emotional, material or spiritual; I ask that the angels help someone to get a better job if they have financial problems; I send angels to repair broken lives, families and relationships. And if someone is terminally ill, I ask that the angels comfort them and then protect and guide them as they transition to other realms. I send angels to my fellow beings for almost everything one can imagine. Most of the time, the results are immediate and people will thank me for the angels I have asked for. Sometimes people will feel the presence of the angel that I send them. Some people have even seen them. One woman wrote that the angel had appeared to her and he even told her her name.

When people call or write to me about a lost person or animal, I send angels to find them and bring them home. I ask the angels to protect people on their journeys. Every day I read the New York Times and our local newspaper and send angels where they are needed, whether it be an earthquake or flood somewhere in the world, or some man-made disaster, like war, or some other evil aggression. Since the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, I have asked Our Lady, Queen of Angels, to send legions of Her angels to help the world fight terrorism wherever it exists, to rid the earth of this terrible danger. I ask Our Lady to send legions of angels to earth, to help and protect where needed. I try to do this at least once a day. I have asked for angels to be permanently stationed at various points in Ithaca where people have in the past jumped off one of our many bridges, and I basically consider angels our trusted protectors and healers, and I call on them whenever and wherever I need to. need. .

In addition to thanking the Divine Angels when I invoke them, I try to remember to thank them at other times as well. When I do this, I often clairvoyantly see an angel come and bow his head as if he is grateful. In general, I have found that the angels have much more respect for us than we could ever have for ourselves. Respect, not in the sense that we personally deserve it, but that we are the soul, that we are made in the image of God. It is unlike any relationship I have ever known on earth, a relationship totally full of grace and honesty, and purity of intention and action, because that is its very Nature.

My prayers are simple: “Dear angels, please solve the problems within the family of _____, so that they live in peace and harmony once again.” Or: “My dear Holy Angels, please help ______ find the perfect job.” Or: “Mary, Mother of God, please send legions of Your angels to earth today, to rid the earth of all evil.”

My prayers are not the most beautiful or the deepest, but the angels always seem to go where I ask, and with remarkable results.

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