Look sexier – 5 easy tricks

Most of us would like the opposite sex to see us as sensual and sexual beings. And although we know that we are sexual and we feel it in different ways, we do not always express to others what that means. In our deceptive desire to be decorous or demure, we avoid openly drawing attention to our sexuality, expecting it to shine through anyway.

The problem is that most of the time this is not the case. You may think that you are being 100% yourself, and people may see you as a funny, charming and intelligent person … but not necessarily sexual. It’s not the impression you want to give the opposite sex, is it?

Are you looking to enhance your sexuality in the eyes of the opposite sex? There are some simple tricks you can use … except that “trick” is perhaps not the correct word. Because these are all the things that you already have in you. You simply need to let them out.

1. Flaunt what you have. Face it: you have something special and sexy about you that makes you stand out. Even if you don’t know. Take a look at yourself and decide what is sexy about you, be it long legs, broad shoulders, full lips or striking eyes. And then flaunt everything you can. When you are talking to someone of the opposite sex and you want to feel, and appear, more sensual, think about your sexiest features as you speak.

2. Use touch. As the world has become more crowded and busy, it has become the norm for us to surround ourselves with little clear bubbles of imposed privacy. And this has made touch seem taboo, rude, and inappropriate in many situations. When you are so used to pulling inward, it can be difficult to allow yourself to touch and be with others in a natural way. But touch is one of the best ways to show your sexuality. Touch is a primal, animalistic thing that can make you, and the person you’re touching, feel instantly sexual. Even if it is just a brush of the hand.

3. Communicate with your eyes. Sometimes words just get in the way. If you want to express yourself sexually and appear to be a deeply sexual person, you can do almost everything with your eyes and facial expressions, and much more efficiently than with words. Make deep eye contact with the opposite sex, and for a little extra boost, think sexy thoughts as you do so. Those thoughts will show on your face and in your eyes, increasing your sex appeal in a profound but intangible way.

4. Use sexy flirting. Out of a desire to be polite, most people avoid sexual advances and sexual flirting until they know someone well. But if you really want to be seen as sexy, don’t do it. People who are comfortable with their sexuality are comfortable expressing it to others to get a reaction. Just don’t take this overboard (especially important advice for men).

5. Talk about yourself as sexual. When sex enters the conversation, a person’s first instinct will usually be to talk about it in abstract terms. But if you talk about sex as something real and personal, it will immediately increase your sex appeal. So while you don’t want to reveal too early about your sexual views and desires, make sure your date knows you have them.

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