Predictions for the Chinese New Year of the Pig 2019 – A happy year, full of energy and fortune

The new Chinese Year of the Pig begins on February 5, 2019. Each animal in the Chinese zodiac is divided into elements with slightly different characteristics: this new year is an Earth Pig. A joyful year of energy and fortune, bringing stability, flexibility, modesty and intuition.

if you are a pig

Traditionally, the characteristics of the year reflect those of your zodiac animal. Pigs are curious, mischievous, tolerant, generous and intelligent. They also have patience and understanding. Pigs in their own year are often unlucky and require hard work and discipline to avoid trouble.

However, if you are a pig, keep calm, protect your wealth and 2019 can be positive. Correct weaknesses and attract good luck by attending happy events. Likewise, avoid hospitals, cemeteries, gluttony and loneliness.

Your perfect companion is a tiger, a rabbit or a goat; you are less harmonious with a pig, a snake or a monkey. The best jobs are in charity, teaching, acting, health care or beauty.

Predictions for this Year of the Pig

The pig is the last animal in the 12-year Chinese zodiac, bringing festivity and time for reflection at the end of the cycle. This feeling of abundance and lightness generates positive energy, but also financial problems, so invest causally and keep all administration up to date.

The year of the pig marks the beginning of times of abundance: business in trade and transport will prosper, as will intellectual trades. Everyone will be busier and more open-minded. International relations, although delicate, will improve, especially in the Middle East. However, terrorism persists and new political figures emerge who bring the rebellion.

There will be road, water and air accidents. Heavy rains could lead to flooding, and mining disasters are common in pig years. Corruption and sex scandal will increase, with more cunning crime, especially online.

pig years

If you were born during these dates, then you are a Pig: 02/16/23 to 02/04/24, 02/04/35 to 01/23/36, 01/22/47 to 02/09/36, 01/22 /47 to 02/09/48, 02/08/59 to 01/27/60, 01/27/71 to 02/24/72, 02/13/83 to 02/01/84, 01/31/95 to 02/18/96, 02/18/07 to 02/06/08, 02/05/19 to 01/24/20, 01/23/32 to 02/10/32.

Famous Pig People

Alan Sugar, Alfred Hitchcock, Amy Winehouse, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carlos Santana, Chiang Kai-shek, Dudley Moore, Elton John, Ernest Hemingway, Henry Ford, Humphrey Bogart, Jerry Lee Lewis, Julian Assange, King Henry VIII, Mick Fleetwood, Noel Coward, Ronald Reagan, Stephen King, Steven Spielberg, Woody Allen

he likes pig

Colors: red, white, yellow, grey, brown. Birthstone: agate and ruby. Western zodiac equivalent: Scorpio. Lucky numbers: 2, 5 and 8.

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