The benefits of wooden floors

They are affordable and come in a wide variety of styles and colors. They are easy to install and maintain. They add value to your home and maintain its value over time. They are versatile enough to be the perfect backdrop for any decor. And to top it off, they help keep your home free of allergens and dust. A natural wood floor is easily the best investment you can make in your home. Take a look at the benefits of natural wood flooring in your home!

Whether your personal style leans toward clean, contemporary design or the homey feel of a traditional colonial, hardwood floors fit right in with your décor and everything in between. Depending on the wood you choose, they can contribute to the open and airy feel of a living room, add warmth to a steel and leather-based design, or be the perfect backdrop for a prized oriental rug. Dramatic and simple at the same time, hardwood floors can accentuate and complete the décor of any room in your home.

A new hardwood floor will add more value to your home than any other flooring option, including tile or wall-to-wall carpeting. And unlike other options, hardwood floors hold their value over the years. Where tile, vinyl flooring, and carpet look worn, hardwood floors still retain their beauty. When they start to show wear, they don’t need to be replaced. Hardwood floors can be refinished for a fraction of the cost of a new tile floor. It’s no wonder that “natural wood floors” appear so frequently in real estate advertisements.

Hardwood floors are a healthy option. Many doctors recommend hardwood flooring, such as oak flooring, as a way to help control allergies to animals and dust. Carpets can trap dust, pet dander, and mold spores, and serve as a breeding ground for dust mites and other common household allergens. Natural wood floors are easy to clean: just sweep and vacuum from time to time.

Hardwood floors are a natural choice, made from a renewable resource. In many cases, hardwood floors are made from ‘reclaimed’ wood, recycled from old boats, barns, and other old wooden structures.

There is a common misconception that hardwood floors should be treated with kid gloves. In fact, hardwood floors are among the most durable flooring options. That is the simple reason why most floors in gyms and auditoriums are made with natural wood. It is durable enough to withstand heavy traffic with minimal care. Today’s polyurethane finishes and sealants make hardwood floors a good choice even in areas like bathrooms and kitchens.

Hardwood floors are easy to care for. Dusting or vacuuming every day is all most floors need to stay beautiful and shiny. Polyurethane sealer will maintain a high gloss or soft sheen, while protecting the floor from moisture and spills.

With all of that going for you, why would you choose anything other than a natural hardwood floor, such as a new birch floor for your new home or remodeling project? As you can see, wood is a natural choice for its beauty, value and durability.

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