The pompous and pious Pontius Pilate

In my last article, “What is truth?”, I wrote about the irony of that question. Pilate stood up and looked straight into the face of truth and still did not recognize it. So this prompted me to consider what was in him that did not recognize Christ as the Truth. I suppose they are the same reasons why people today do not know what the truth really is.

All of this begins with the condition of a person’s heart. Since the fall of man, we are all sinful creatures, not worthy of being in the presence of One so holy and just. God’s Word says that like sheep, we have all gone astray. It is natural for people to do bad things. It is not how God made us, but what sin created in us. The miracle is that any of us come to repentance and be saved. This is a supernatural event that a heart of stone must be transformed into one of flesh. God’s Word already tells us that we all fall short of God’s glory because we all sin. I think the most difficult thing for people to understand is that their good works will not save them from the final judgment or the wrath of God. Please understand that apart from the atoning blood sacrifice of His Son, there is nothing we can offer that God accepts as pure and holy. And I pray you don’t miss it. The gospel message is not about us, it is about Christ and what he came to do according to his Father’s will. The reason Christ walked the earth and willingly died a brutal death was because of God’s love for us. So please understand that it is not what we can do for God, but what He has done for each one of us who has accepted or will ever accept the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. It has nothing to do with who we think we are in the eyes of the world. It is not our attitudes that people judge us on that matter. Unless we have an ‘attitude of gratitude’ towards Jesus, our self-importance will get us nowhere.

Pontius Pilate had that attitude. On the surface we read how he found Christ blameless and washed his hands of everything. It almost makes us feel sorry for him. He took the fall so to speak. But, let’s be honest, shall we? His pompous and pious attitude was his choice because he had other motives. Her own image and future power mattered more to her than taking the time and acknowledging the Truth in the person of Jesus. I’m sure we can recognize someone in our own lives in this way. They are the people who believe that they are in full control of their own destiny. Two words come to mind for this kind of attitude; pious and pompous. After all, this is what led Pontius Pilate to hand over Christ to be crucified. He was more concerned with his personal image to the Jews and the Romans.

In the Meriam-Webster dictionary, he describes pious as a hypocrite who deserves praise. I came to another meaning that really caught my attention. He described pious as a cultural center for the peaceful resolution of social conflicts. The word pompous is described as exhibiting self-importance or arrogance. Let’s dive into what the Scriptures really say about this man.

“Therefore, when Pilate heard this statement, he was even more afraid; and he entered the Praetorium again and said to Jesus:” Where are you from? “But Jesus did not answer him.” John 18: 8-9

Pilate realized that the Jews had already sentenced Jesus for blasphemy. It was a Levitical law that they had from Leviticus 24:16, “whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord will surely die.” But the Romans were a superstitious group of people. Since the Jews already interpreted Jesus’ claims as messianic, given the title “Son of God”, for the Romans, they considered him a “divine man”, endowed with supernatural powers. Pilate was concerned because he had just whipped and beaten someone who could bring curses and revenge on him. Who exactly was he dealing with?

Then Pilate said to him: “Are you not speaking to me? Don’t you know that I have the authority to release you and I have the authority to crucify you?” “John 18:10

This was a bit pompous and pious on Pilat’e’s part. At this point, he was exhibiting great self-importance. But Jesus made things clear.

“Jesus replied: ‘You would have no authority over me, if it were not given to you from above; That is why the one who handed me over to you has a greater sin. ‘ “John 18:11

Imagine that, Jesus telling this powerful ruler that power is given by God. This is a huge blow to your ego! So no matter what Pilate rules, Jesus is letting him know that he is just a pawn in this power game for control. Who was it that handed Jesus over to Pilate? He could have been talking about Kiphas, the high priest, since he took such an active role in plotting against him. Or Jesus could have meant Judas for his betrayal. The important thing is not who, but what. What they did led them to blame. His actions were deliberate and premeditated. He was pushy and coldly calculated, especially after seeing and hearing the undeniable truth that Jesus was the Messiah and the Son of God. Pilate was not guilty of this crime. After hearing this, Pilate tried to persuade the people again to release Jesus.

“As a result of this Pilate made efforts to free him, but the Jews cried out saying: ‘If you free this Man, you are not Caesar’s friend; Anyone posing as king opposes Caesar. ‘ “John 18:12

This was so ironic that the Jews even said it. They hated Rome and were certainly not friends with Caesar. But they knew how much Pilate feared Tiberius Caesar. This powerful empowerment ruled ruthlessly, and since Pilate had already created some trouble in Rome, he didn’t want to be on Caesar’s blacklist.

Pilate’s fear of not doing what was right for Caesar meant more to him than doing what was right before the Lord. Then, pressured from all sides, Pilate capitulated under pressure and prepared to pass judgment on the original sedition against Rome. His friendship with the world meant more than his friendship with God. So he went to court to render the official verdict.

“Therefore, when Pilate heard these words, he took Jesus out and sat on the court in a place called The Pavement, but in Hebrew, Gabbatha.” John 18:13

Here is the perfect irony of Pilate’s pompous and pious attitude. As he passed judgment on the One to whom the Father Himself entrusted ALL judgment, it would be the same One who would also render a just condemnation on Pilate! The Word of God tells us that Christ is our mediator in heaven, all power and authority belong to him. When Satan presents himself to him as our accuser, Jesus defends all those who have been handed over to him by our Heavenly Father.

“Because not even the Father judges any more, but all judgment has given to the Son.” John 5:22

God did this so that all honor Christ as they honor God, they are One in the same. If we do not honor what Christ has done for us, then God says it is impossible for us to honor Him. He wants us to have a relationship with His Son, because He loves us for ourselves, not for what others think we should be. If you want Him to be your Lord and Savior, but you don’t know Him yet, just repeat this simple prayer:

“Dear Heavenly Father, I am a sinner. Please forgive me for all my offenses against You. Wash me until I am white as snow. I believe that Your Son Jesus died for me on the Cross. I also believe that He was resurrected after 3 days and now sit at your right hand in heaven and intercede for me. I thank you for calling me Your son. Thank you Father, in the name of Jesus. Amen. “

If you said this prayer and really invited Jesus into your heart, just know that there is a heavenly choir singing right now in your name! “Happy Birthday!”

If we could earn our salvation, Christ would not have died to provide it.

All Scriptures Taken from the MacArthur Study Bible ~ US Standard Version

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